Sabtu, 27 November 2021

Cinta Terpendam

Disalah satu sekolah, ada perempuan yang bernama Aira. Dia adalah seorang siswa di SMA Neo. Dia memiliki sahabat yang sudah dari kecil menemaninya, namanya adalah jayden. Jeyden adalah ketua osis di SMA Neo. Jayden sangat sering menemani aira saat aira membutuhkannya. Jayden sangat perhatian kepada aira, sampai sampai aira menyimpan perasaan padanya. Tetapi jayden tidak mengetahui hal itu, jayden masih menganggap aira sebagai sahabatnya tidak lebih dari itu. 

Pada suatu saat, ada anak baru yang pindah dari luar kota ke sekolahnya. Namanya adalah Micell. Jayden ditugaskan bu mira untuk membantuk siswa baru tersebut untuk berkeliling dan memandu micell melihat ruang ruang kelas yg ada. Mereka berdua bejalan menelusuri ruang ruangu dan bertemu dengan aira yang sedang duduk di kantin sendirian. Jayden menyapa aira dan memperkenalkan micell sebagau murid baru sekolahnya. Mereka pun berkenalan. Micell dan jayden menjadi sangat dekat. Saat Aira mengajak jayden untuk keluar, jayden sering menolaknya dengan alasan menemani Micell. Aira sungguh kesepian. Hanya kayden lah yang sering diajaknya untuk keluar mencari keperluannya. Dan pada suatu saat, banyak berita yg dibicarakan bahwa jayden dan micell sudah berpacaran, dan micell baru mengetahuinya. Biasanya jika ada kabar apapun jayden selalu memberi tahu Aira terlebih dahulu. Aira sangat kecewa dan sakit hati. Dia sudah menyimpan rasa kepada Jayden sangat lama. Tapi dia didahului oleh Micell anak baru yg baru di temui oleh jayden 2 bulan lalu.

Aira ingin mengungkapkan perasaannya kepada jayden meskipun dia tau bahwa jayden tidak akan membalas perasaannya itu. Saat bel istirahat, Aira menghampiri Jayden dan berkata bahwa dia ingin berbicara sepulang sekolah dan jayden menyetujuinya.
Tetapi jaden akan ada rapat osis sebentar dan menyuruh aira menunggu di kelas sebentar. Bel sekolah sudah berbunyi, Aira menunggu jayden di kelas hingga sekolah pun sudah sepi tetapi jayden tak kunjung datang. Aira sudah menunggu lebih dari 2 jam dan melihat bahwa cuaca di luar sedang mendung dan akan turun hujan. Aira menelfon jeyden tetapi tidak ada jawaban, dan memutuskan untuk pulang.

Saat di perjalanan pulang, hujan sangat deras dan tidak ada angkutan umum ataupun taksi yang lewat. aira memutuskan untuk mencari tempat meneduh. Cuacanya sangat dingin. Dia menunggu disana sampai ada angkutan umum atau taxi lewat.

Keesokan harinya, Aira tidak bisa masuk sekolah karena sakit akibat dari hujan kemarin. Jayden merasa sangat bersalah karna kelakuannya terhadap Aira. Ketika pulanh sekolah, jayden menjenguk Aira di rumahnya dan meminta maaf kepada aira bahwa dia tidak bisa hadir pada saat itu. Aira memakluminya dan bilang kepada jayden agar dia tidak usah merasa bersalah. Aira tau bahwa kemarin jayden mengantar micell pulang. Aira tidak jadi mengungkapkan perasaannya itu karna dia takut akan ada rasa canggung diantaranya. Dia memilih untuk bungkam dan membiarkan cintanya tidak terbalas demi kebahagiaan sahabatnya itu.

Rabu, 07 Juli 2021



Lemonade by Jeremy Passion

[Verse 1]

She's my sunshine in the rain
Dia cahayaku di tengah hujan
My Tylenol when I'm in pain yeah
Penghilang rasa sakit saat aku merasa sakit
Let me tell you what she means to me
Biarkan aku memberi tahumu apa artinya dia bagiku
Like a tall glass of lemonade
Seperti segelas penuh limun
When it's burning hot on summer days
Saat cuaca begitu panas di hari-hari musim panas
She's exactly what I need
Dia persis seperti yang aku inginkan

She's soothing like the ocean rushing on the sand
Dia menenangkan seperti lautan menyapu pasir pantai
She takes care of me baby
Dia merawatku
She helps me be a better man
Dia membantuku menjadi pria yang lebih baik
She's so beautiful, sometimes I stop to close my eyes
Dia begitu cantik, terkadang aku tak berkedip melihatnya
She's exactly what I need
Dia persis seperti yang aku inginkan

[Verse 2]
She's my smile when I'm feeling blue
Dia senyumanku saat aku merasa sedih
She's my good night sleep when my day is through yeah
Dia adalah pengantar tidurku saat hari telah berlalu
Let me tell you what she means to me
Biarkan aku memberi tahumu apa artinya dia bagiku
(She's kinda like this)
(Dia seperti ini)
Kinda like the feeling after your first kiss
Seperti perasaan setelah ciuman pertamamu
Except that everyday she makes me feel like this
Kecuali kalau setiap hari dia membuatmu merasa seperti ini
She's exactly what I need
Dia persis seperti yang aku inginkan
Oh yeah

She's soothing like the ocean rushing on the sand
Dia menenangkan seperti lautan menyapu pasir pantai
She takes care of me baby
Dia merawatku
She helps me be a better man
Dia membantuku menjadi pria yang lebih baik
She's so beautiful, sometimes I stop to close my eyes
Dia begitu cantik, terkadang aku tak berkedip melihatnya
She's exactly what I need
Dia persis seperti yang aku inginkan
She's soothing like the ocean rushing on the sand
Dia menenangkan seperti lautan menyapu pasir pantai
She takes care of me baby
Dia merawatku
She helps me be a better man
Dia membantuku menjadi pria yang lebih baik
She's so beautiful, sometimes I stop to close my eyes
Dia begitu cantik, terkadang aku tak berkedip melihatnya
She's exactly what I need
Dia persis seperti yang aku inginkan

She's exactly what I need
Dia persis seperti yang aku inginkan

Link of the song

The meaning of the song :

Jeremy said that he uses this song Lemonade to express his feelings to his loved ones. In the lyrics there are various metaphorical parables that describe the figure of the woman. Like Tylenol (painkiller) when Jeremy was sick.

Senin, 05 Juli 2021

Narrative text

                        Malin Kundang

Once upon a time, on the north coast of Sumatera lived a poor woman and his son, who called Malin Kundang. His Father eventually died, and his mother lived alone as a poverty-stricken old woman.

Malin Kundang grew up as a skillful young boy. He always helps his mother to earn some money. One day, Malin Kundang decide going to overseas and promise to come back.

After several years had gone by, Malin Kudang finally decide to return to his village. He arrived wearing fine clothes and traveling on one of his ships. Someone arriving in such splendor was uncommon to the villagers, so many of them went down to the harbor to view the sight.

One of the villagers recognized Malin Kundang form a scar that he had received while playing as a child. Upon recognizing the mark, the villager went to tell Malin Kundang's mother that her son had returned. Excitedly, she went to the shore and recognized her son the minute her eyes fell on him.

When the older woman called him her son, he refused to believe that he head such an old woman as a mother. His disbelief was heightened when his wife questioned why he had not told her that he had an elderly, poor mother.

Malin Kundang was on the ship with just his crew. When his mother attempted to embrace him, he was too embarrassed by her ragged appearance to acknowledge her and instead, had one of them carry her away.

Confused and finally realizing his discovery, Malin Kundang's mother did not give up on her child, praying to her god to be made aware that she was his real mother. The day after his mother's prayer, Malin Kudang sailed out of the village. Not long after, the ships were hit by a violent storm. Malin Kundang did not believe that the storm was God's and nature's way of punishing him for his mistreatment of his mother. He feels guilty for his behavior towards her, asks for forgiveness, and prays.

Out of nowhere, he survived and swam to the river bank to save himself from dying. He asked the locals for help. seeing his mother looking around was limp, crying and helplessly calling his mother. Malin's mother approached him and Malin apologized for his treatment to his mother first. Malin Kundang's mother brought Malin Kundang home to be treated, Malin's guilt towards his mother for his behavior made Malin Kundang cry and apologize to his mother. Malin's mother has forgiven her son's behavior. One year later they live in a simple and happy house always

Pesan moral : 

Appreciate to love must be done by a child to parents in a state of life or death.

Sabtu, 03 Juli 2021


                         My Biography

Her name is Sania Candra Nurlaili, usually called Sania. She is the second of two children. Sania has a hobby of swimming, she often goes swimming with her sister. She has an older sister. Her sister is already in college and will determine the time of her college. Sania has very good parents. His father works as an entrepreneur and her mother is a housewife.

When Sania was in Kindergarten, she participated in dance activities and performed them at graduation. During elementary school, she also participated in activities such as drumband, volleyball, and scouts.

Sania is now an 11th grade high school student. After graduating, she really wants to study business economics. She wants to achieve her dream by opening her own business and helping his parents' economy

Jumat, 25 Juni 2021

Writing Experiences

             Hawai Waterpark in Singasari

Hi, my name is Sania Candra Nurlaili, usually called Sania. I'm here to tell my experience of going to the Hawaii waterpark in Singasari. I went to Hawai Waterpark in 2016. I went with my family. I was very happy when I was invited to go to the Hawaii Waterpark. This is my first time there.

My dad took the photo above in front of the entrance. It is a photo of me and my older sister. The place is very nice and spacious. There are so many slides there, some are special for children and some are special for adults. I was very happy when I entered this place.

The photo was me and my older sister, my father who took the photo. climbing the slide was very exciting. I like it very much.

There is also a special swimming pool area made for spraying foam like the one in the photo. Many people who approach the area because of the foam that is sprayed.

This place is very nice, many people spend time here. I want to visit it one more time, but there is still this covid-19 virus. I hope things get better and can visited again. 

Name : Sania Candra Nurlaili
No      : 30
Class : X-MIPA 2